Days back, she was our visitor on the Vanguard Instagram live session where she revealed how she started her excursion into the universe of entertainment as well as what prompted the crash of her most memorable marriage. This is even as her new offering, a family-based film, “Dear Sister’ started showing yesterday in cinemas across the country.

Appreciate My excursion into the universe of entertainment You can never become bigger than your passion.

You can never become bigger than your most memorable love.  Indeed, even before I discovered that I am an actor, I was already doing satire productions.

For instance, when I was doing my engineering work, with my protective cap, I would gather my colleagues and be shooting plays in the vicinity with them.

At one point, they advised me to go into the film industry. I was scared then because of my father. In any case, I’m happy today that I followed this path in my life. However I have a tight timetable now, the recurrence of my dramas is not as much as it used to be in the past. Yet, I actually shoot my parody dramas and even since I have monetized my content. I can’t quit churning out dramas.

My latest offering ‘Dear Sister’ ‘Dear Sister’ recounts the narrative of two sisters, Isoken and Ifueko.

— Vanguard Newspapers (@vanguardngrnews) October 29, 2022

Isoken’s marriage goes through an extreme test as the past comes calling when she invites her sister Ifueko to live with her and her loving husband, James, who was once Ifueko’s admirer.

Many ladies are going through storms in their homes occasioned by their own families and some by their husband’s family individuals.

‘Dear Sister’ is a re-creation of a genuine African story. And as found in one of the central themes of the film, love will always prevail.

My take on aggressive behavior at home Abusive behavior at home has been prevalent in our general public for years. The reason abusive behavior at home is on the increase in the nation is that our parents believed that if you want to address a kid, you have to beat the kid. At the point when parents want to communicate their anger, they beat their youngsters.

At the point when they want to instill discipline, they beat their kids. Throughout the long term, you have trained that kid to consider brutality to be the only way of instilling discipline and expression of anger. In this way, it’s not by beating, rather it’s by admonishing a kid when the person does anything wrong.

Experiencing it Indeed, I encountered brutality while I was married in 2013 at the age of 22. It did a ton to my mind.

I don’t think I have recuperated from the trauma because once I read anything about abusive behavior at home, I get set off.

Any time I remember recollections of that monstrous incident, I’m not usually the same. I don’t want my adversary to encounter what I went through in the past.

I don’t think I would want my youngster to encounter anything like that throughout everyday life. It’s not what any woman or man ought to go through regardless of the offense.

We ought to learn to cherish and understand each other. I don’t think anything ought to warrant brutality. By the grace of God, I don’t want to be in a situation where I will be fierce.

I have never attempted to be vicious with anybody. I’m an easygoing person, forget about all those my Instagram bragging. I’m such a person that when wahala explodes, I will take to my heels.

Marriage with my ex I wasn’t forced into the marriage at all. I decided to marry my ex. I was enamored with him. We were generally excellent companions and near each other.

And the reason I got married early was to avoid keeping various partners. I would have rather not turned into a ruined young lady.

Around then, I was already working as an engineer and was satisfied. I had a lucrative oil and gas work.

I graduated at an extremely youthful age and was profoundly intelligent. I had money and was extremely youthful. The main thing African parents would let their daughter know who has a steady employment, car and respectable apartment is to settle down before she may be too big for men to charm her at a point. Thus, you have to marry to avoid keeping numerous relationships.

Then, I was dating my ex before I graduated from college and he was talking about settling down to early start raising kids very.

However, I had this way of thinking of life that I wouldn’t get married without having my kind of revenue. Thank God I clutched that conviction and it saved my life. In this way, he waited for me until I graduated from the college, did my childhood administration and got my most memorable work. I thought he was the best thing that had happened to me. We got married however along the line, insecurity set in. I was unable to understand and wondered why while we were dating, didn’t feel insecure. He didn’t realize I was such a beautiful young lady that men would admire.

Probably, it was because I was caged, while I was an undergraduate at Covenant College which resembled a celebrated prison yard. While I was undergoing my childhood’s administration, he got me engaged and after serving my country, he gave me the second ring. I actually want to appreciate him because things that happen in our life eventually bring us to our normal future.

He practically went against my going into acting and even kicked against the parody production I was doing online. He said that a portion of his bosses were laughing and commenting on my Instagram page. He said that he didn’t want me to shoot parody productions anymore and that I ought to make it happen only for him in the house.

To be continued one week from now.