With that being said, how on earth do you beat her? This handy video presents to you all the basics you need to know in a quick 80 seconds, perfect for watching while you’re waiting in queue. In this video you’ll learn:

Trading tips Windows of opportunity How and when to gank her How to teamfight against her

The TL;DR on Beating Camille

 The fundamental things you have to observe when laning against Camille are:

Don’t get hit by her 2nd Q proc of true damage Don’t fight her when her passive is active Don’t let her heal off her % max health W Don’t Stay in range of her E when low, even if you’re under tower – as she can dive with incredible ease.

On a more general note, the best things you can do to combat a Camille include stacking armor, and focusing her down when she ults – as she isn’t tanky enough to withstand it. But don’t stack health, becaues that will only increase her damage and self heal.

That’s all you need to know to push Camille out of your lane in League! But if you need to learn how to play Camille instead, we’ve got you covered too. Stay tuned for more LoL tips as we dig into Season 7!