Fortunately, the team over at Digital Foundry has done some tinkering, and has come up with a way to improve the problem until a patch arrives. However, it does require some not-so-cheap equipment to accomplish, an external SSD hard drive and a USB enclosure kit.
Check out the video below.
Quick take: The silver lining here is that if you own a computer and value the data that it holds at all, chances are that you know the smart thing to do is back all of that up. More people than ever are buying back up space, whether it’s an external drive or (if you’re fancy) cloud storage, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that a number of console users already own a backup hard drive.
If you don’t have or can’t afford an external SSD, it’s not a huge deal. The console versions aren’t completely and utterly broken as the issues only occur occasionally, mainly when you cross over into new areas. That said, Fallout 4 just came out and like every other game that has been coming out for the last ten years, it will be patched in time.