Here are a few tips to get you started!

A Mandatory Quest to Get Started 

The very first room of your space station. So empty, but with so much potential. Maybe we should shop at Space Ikea?

So it’s that time again, where you need to complete a quest in order to start building your own space station in Starbound. The quest is called “Your Very Own Space Station.” And your reward is obviously right in the title.

The quest is given by human NPCs on space stations, and in order to complete this quest, you’ll need:

50 Titanium Bars 50 Gold Bars 50 Silver Bars 1,000 Pixels

Upon completion, you’ll be able to place a space station in orbit in the current system when you are rewarded your very own Station Transponder.

It’s hard to imagine that something so small creates such large space stations.

How to Build Your Starbound Space Station

Now that you have the Station Transponder, you can start building your own space station. To start, deploy a probe into orbit in a system. It’ll then start you off with a Teleporter, a Space Station Console, and an Industrial Storage Locker.

Teleporters are already common in ships when teleporting from planet to spaceship, and the Industrial Storage Locker is just another storage object. The Space Station Console is where you can have some fun. The Space Station Console allows you to adjust the gravity level inside the space station. 

So not only do you have the option to float or walk around, you can also expansion slots.


Expansion slots look like this aboard your space station.

Types of Rooms

Currently, it looks like there are only two special rooms for the Space Station, which are the Mech Bay and Mech Assembly Room. Aside from those special rooms, most of the other rooms available right now are only structural: T-Junction, Horizontal Corridors, etc.

However, there seem to be future plans for other rooms, like a Hangar Bay or a Research Lab. For now, let’s just go over expanding your station with the rooms available and what you need.

Home Improvement

When it comes to expanding your space station, you can interact with Expansion Slots, which are located between sections of your space station. In order to discern whether or not rooms can be connected, rooms listed and highlighted green means that it is possible. Otherwise, if the room is highlighted red, then that room cannot be attached. As a side note, you cannot rotate rooms, so you must assemble the proper room that can connect from where you started.

Some of these rooms can be assembled so that entrances face a particular way, and they all possess the same ingredients for that specific room.

Starbound Room-Building Requirements

I know creator Ighox calls himself a Space Hobo. But his station looks fit for a Space Mercenary. 

There are numerous rooms that can be built and attached to your station, and each has its own set of material requirements. Here’s what you’ll need for all of them:



50 Titanium Bars 70 Gold Bars 120 Silver Bars 200 Copper Wires

Large Core

450 Titanium Bars 600 Gold Bars 160 Silver Bars 600 Copper Wires

Mech Bays

50 Titanium Bars 80 Gold Bars 40 Silver Bars 20 Salvaged Interface Chips

Mech Assembly Room

50 Titanium Bars 70 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 100 Copper Wires 40 Salvaged Proton Limiters

T Junctions 

50 Titanium Bars 60 Gold Bars 90 Silver Bars 40 Glass 150 Copper Wires


40 Titanium Bars 50 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 40 Glass 100 Copper Wires

Vertical Shaft

40 Titanium Bars 50 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 100 Copper Wires

Long Vertical Shaft

120 Titanium Bars 150 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 120 Glass 100 Copper Wires

Horizontal Corridor

40 Titanium Bars 50 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 100 Copper Wires

Long Horizontal Corridor

120 Titanium Bars 150 Gold Bars 60 Silver Bars 120 Glass 100 Copper Wires

Cross Corners 

50 Titanium Bars 70 Gold Bars 120 Silver Bars 200 Copper Wires

Cross Junction

50 Titanium Bars 70 Gold Bars 120 Silver Bars 40 Glass 200 Copper Wires

Get Building!

Hopefully, you’ll make yourself right at home in your very own space station in no time. Remember to complete the mandatory quest to get started building your own space station and collect tons of titanium bars, gold bars, silver bars, glass, and other components before the big move.

Once you’re done, you can truly live like a Space Lord, orbiting over all the residents below. On top of that, you can check the Chucklefish Community Forums for some design inspiration.

How was your first time building your space station? What did it look like? Let us know in the comments below.

And be sure to check out our other Starbound Guides. Here are some to get you started: 

Starbound: Some Helpful Tips for Beginners Starbound: Farming and Crop Growth Times Starbound 1. 0+: How to Craft Your First Set of Armor Quick n’ Dirty Starbound 1. 0 Weapon Overview Guide Upgrade Your Starbound Ship Faster With These Tips